Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the system requirements?

A: Minimum system requirements:

  • Intel or AMD class processor
  • 500MB free RAM
  • High Speed Internet Connection
  • 1.1GB free hard disk space for the application


Our online training programs are fully supported by Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Our online training programs no longer support Internet Explorer browsers (including IE 11) since those browsers no longer supports the latest web standards.

Other Info:

  • Ensure your sound is turned on and the volume is up, as these courses include audio content
  • You can log in and out of the training program at any time, including during final exams.
  • Listen to the instructions in the introduction to the program to learn how to navigate through the module.

Q: I just purchased my training, how do I access my files?

A: Once logged in, go to the My Account tab, and then click the Files & Training tab. From here you will see your available training and can launch it.

Q: How do I distribute the registration codes I purchased?

A: Once logged in, go to the My Account tab, click Registration Codes. You will see a list of active registration codes with totals for Remaining and Used.  Choose the product you would like to assign available registration codes for, and click Details.  Select Email Invite to email each user their registration code. They will need to follow the emailed link and log in or create an account. Once logged in they will automatically be granted access to their training.

Q: How do I view pricing?

A: You can view pricing at the bottom of each product page, listed below.

FedEx On-Line 49 CFR Shipping Course

FedEx On-Line Battery Shipping Course